What happens when a Type A mom meets a geeky tech dad?
A munchkin is born!
As a new parent I wanted to understand—and remember—all of the moments (yes, even the sleepless ones). I logged pages and pages of ‘potty’, feedings, sleep habits—first on scratch paper, then on pads and then in notebooks.

While this helped me to learn my daughter’s patterns and made hand off to my husband and sitters simpler, something else started to happen—I was forgetting. Not forgetting to log things (I’m type A, remember?) but forgetting the milestones:
- When did she first roll over?
- Try solids?
- What about her first steps?
The moments were slipping away, but somehow still saved in these piles of papers that were a disorganized mess. My way of managing the day-to-day became the yesterdays of my daughter that I couldn’t get back. I needed a way to intertwine the two.
Munchkin Report was built out of love for our daughter, in tribute to the busy lives we lead and for my endless quest to never miss a moment.
Happy Tracking!
Co-founder, CEO, Mom
Meet the Munchkin Team

Melissa CEO
Melissa is the proud mom of three great munchkins of her own. They keep her hands full, but her heart even fuller. Melissa received her undergraduate degree in English and Education and a Master's in Communications. She has worked as a freelance writer and a global manager for a Fortune 500 company. A chronic list-maker with a penchant for organization, it only seemed logical her next baby would be Munchkin Report.

Rob is a self-proclaimed geek. A designer, developer, and dad—the only things he enjoys more than crafting lovable software is playing, reading, and drawing with his two beautiful children. Rob has a Bachelor's degree in Business and has been building software since he was 15 years old.

Ellis CMO (Chief Munchkin Officer)
Ellis' accomplishments are fairly extensive for a six-year-old. She loves reading and coloring. A natural-born tracker in training, she also loves to help us log her sibling's activities. What can we say, she clearly got the job because of who she knows. :-)

Everett CHO (Chief Happiness Officer)
Everett is full of smiles. He loves robots, cars and hugs and kisses. While he keeps us laughing, he also keeps us on our toes with his keen eye for the most dangerous thing in the room!

Willa CSO (Chief Silliness Officer)
Willa knows that as the third child of two busy parents, she will need to pull out all the stops for a little attention. She loves singing songs, testing the sharing skills of her brother and doing a pretty spot on impersonation of her big sister.